Our 4th year radiography student, Kelsey Jones, was selected by UJ to present her research project at the RSSA/SORSA congress that was held in August 2019.
Below is her reflection on the experience:
I was given the opportunity to enter the congress to present my research project. I summited an abstract that explained me research project, after review it was accepted.
The congress was held in Cape Town, where I presented on Saturday 17th August, alongside other distinguished Doctors and Radiographers.
My research topic:
Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviours of radiography students towards radiation protection.
Importance of radiation protection should never be overlooked and all medical imaging professionals should adhere to the radiation safety measures.
A big thanks to DRS Inc. for sponsoring me and thus making it possible for me to attend.
It was a life-changing experience and inspired me to work harder in everything I do.